
Welcome! The Standards Standing Committee is a group within CHLA/ABSC dedicated to demonstrating and advocating for the value of health libraries.

This site’s central feature is the Library Value Planner (formerly Levels of Library Service), a benchmarking framework that informs portions of the CHLA Standards for Library and Information Services in Canadian Health & Social Services Institutions 2020 / Normes pour les bibliothèques et les services d’information des établissements de soins de santé et de services sociaux du Canada – 2020.

Supplementing this document is an entry-level toolkit providing resources for users in health libraries of various kinds interested in planning, measuring, and communicating the value of their services. This is meant to be a practical toolbox rather than a comprehensive collection; it includes key recommendations on use but is flexible to allow you to adapt it to your local environment.

Please keep in mind the following assumptions:

  • Everyone’s library is unique and will have different value needs
  • Valuing a library requires applying tools and resources to your own context
  • If you have suggestions for changes, please let us know – or adapt it to your own needs!

This resource is intended as a starting point and a place to gather materials. It is not a calculator, validated tool, or an out-of-the-box one-size-fits-all solution


This site is based on the Library Value Toolkit originally developed by a task force of the Health Science Information Consortium of Toronto. We credit Carolyn Ziegler, Daphne Horn, Jeanna Hough, Ken McFarlan, Miriam Ticoll, Penka Stoyanova, Ron Saranchuk, Rita Bondi, Sheila Lacroix, and Tamsin Adams-Webber for their work.